Publishing Ethics

Revista Española de Podología follows the guidelines of COPE (Code of Publishing Ethics) since 2022 and endorses ethical principles that are extensive to editors, authors and reviewers during the whole editorial process of manuscripts. Those ethical principles are entirely based in the Core practices proposed by COPE (COPE Core Practices), that are internationally accepted top standard practices in scholarly publishing. Revista Española de Podología adheres to this practices definitively.

 Core practices of COPE:

                Allegations of misconduct

               Authorship and contributorship

               Complaints and appeals

               Conflicts of interest

               Data and reproducibility

               Ethical oversight

               Intellectual property

               Journal management

               Peer review processes

               Post-publication discussions


Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing


Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing

COPE, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association) and WAME (World Association of Medical Editors) have all collaborated to identify Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing that should apply to all published content of the journal. Those principles constitutes the basic criteria to be included as member for COPE, DOAJ and OASPA and also some of the criteria of membership of WAME. Principles are accepted and carried out enterely by Revista Española de Podología. 


Submission and tracking of manuscripts

Submission and tracking of manuscripts


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2025 Revista Española de Podología
ISSN: 0210-1238   e-ISSN: 2695-463X

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