Detection of ethical breaches

A guide for detection of ethical breaches in Revista Española de Podología

The editorial board of the journal understands the importance of taking into consideration all complaints and allegations warning about potential problems, ethical misconduct or undisclosed conflicts of interests with published papers, papers in process of publication, with authors, reviewers or even with the editorial board of the journal. For that reason, the journal will perform policies and actions in cases of complaints or allegations of misconduct:

  • All complaints of ethical misconduct should be communicated to Laura Martin at the editorial office ( or directly to the Chief Editor of the journal (Javier Pascual Huerta):
  • Once the complaint has been formally made and arrived to the journal, the case will be studied by the Chief Editor and if the complaint suggests a potential case of misconduct, a file will be open to investigate the case thoroughly with the Editorial Board.
  • The editorial Board of the journal will consider potencial misconduct when a non trivial act of professional misconduct has been carried out during the study process or during the publication process.
    • As a general rule cases older than 5 years will not be considered for study unless cases of severity serious misconduct.
    • Opinion discrepancies or purely professional or legal disputes between the complainant and the whistleblower will not be investigated by the journal.
  • It is important to give evidencies or information enough in the complaint that can prove that ethical misconduct have potentially occur.
  • Complaints of ethical misconduct can be done anonymously, although it is encouraged to whistleblowers to give a name and a contact. It can be necessary to contact with the whistleblower during the investigation process of the case (be aware of limitations in the investigation process with anonymous whistleblowers).
  • The editors would need to contact with academic institutions, investigation centers or other journals to share information about potential cases of misconduct. All those procedures will be carried out by the editorial office and Laura Martín will be the person in charge (
  • In cases of persistent and repetitive complaints that were not considered relevant to initiate an investigation or in cases of threatening complaints for the journal, it will be considered to recall legal advise by the legal team of the COGECOP (Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Podólogos) that can make a formal allegation to the relevant legal authorities.

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2025 Revista Española de Podología
ISSN: 0210-1238   e-ISSN: 2695-463X

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