Revista Española de Podología is now 100 % bilingual
Revista Española de Podología se hace 100 % bilingüe

Javier Pascual Huerta1

1Editor-in-chief of Revista Española de Podología

Correspondence: Javier Pascual Huerta

It is obvious and evident to all that English is the universal language of science and that researchers worldwide seek to publish their work in English to reach a larger audience. In 2022, 95.86 % of the 28,142, 849 references were indexed in Web of Science and 84.35 % of the 20,600,733 references were indexed in Scopus in English language. This trend was openly recognized by Web of Science in 2012 in its journal selection process manual: “English is the universal language of science. For this reason, Thomson Reuters focuses on journals that are published in full text in English or, at least, their bibliographic information. There are journals included in Web of Science that publish their articles with bibliographic information in English and the full text in a different language. However, it is evident that the most important journals in the international research community are published in full text in English. This is especially true in the natural sciences. There are notable exceptions to this rule in the arts, humanities, and social sciences”(1). In 2009, at least, 6555 journals were published in Spanish and Portuguese languages globally and “only a small part of them are included in Scopus and Web of Science” (2).
The importance of English for the journal has been a priority of this board of directors since its inception. As a matter of fact, in 2016, Revista Española de Podología published the editorial letter titled “The challenge of bilingualism” in issue #2 of the journal”(3) since the inception of the current editorial committee, which referred to the attempt to promote the journal towards a bilingual publication (Spanish/English) to internationalize and increase its visibility. Since then, specific articles have been published bilingually in all issues, giving authors the option to publish their work in both languages. The problem with this system is that it depended on the authors’ interest in making their article bilingual, with the consequent effort they had to make to translate and correct their own article into English.
Starting with issue #1 2024, Revista Española de Podología becomes a 100% bilingual journal, which means that the journal will publish all its articles in full text and entirely in Spanish and English. This definitive advance towards the journal bilingualism has been possible thanks to the effort and involvement of the General Council of Official Colleges of Podiatry, which recently approved the complete translation of the journal through a third-party company (ICBMED), which will be responsible for the complete translation of all issues to be published from this year 2024 onwards. We celebrate this progress, which represents a giant step in the dissemination, reach, and visibility of the journal internationally, and we encourage authors to publish their work in Revista Española de Podología, thereby increasing the impact and visibility of their articles.


  1. The Thomson Reuters Journal Selection Process [Internet]. Thomson Reuters; febrero de 2012 [Acceso en marzo de 2024]. Disponible en:
  2. Montgomery SL (ed.). Does Science Need a Global Language?: English and the Future of Research. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press; 2013.
  3. Pascual Huerta J. El reto del bilingüismo. Rev Esp Podol. 2016;27(2):45. DOI: 10.1016/j.repod.2016.10.006.