Year 2017 / Volume 28 / Number 1

Original Papers

Advanced hallux limitus and its relationship with the internal rotational pattern and the foot progression angle

Rev Esp Podol. 2017;28(1):13-20

Priscila Távara-Vidalón, Guillermo Lafuente-Sotillos, María José Manfredi-Márquez

Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine whether subjects with advanced hallux limitus show a diminished ability of internal rotation of the lower limb and increased foot progression angle compared with normal population. It was also intended to relate rotational and torsional patterns of lower limbs with the foot progression angle, and to compare three different methods of measurement of the foot progression angle.
Patients and methods: Internal and external rotational pattern, internal and external hip rotation and tibial torsion were measured in 30 feet of 15 subjects with advanced hallux limitus and 103 normal feet. The foot progression angle was also obtained using a pressure platform and an inked latex carpet.
Results: The internal rotation of the lower limb was significantly lesser and the foot progression angle was significantly greater in individuals with advanced hallux limitus (p < 0.05). The Pearson correlation coefficient was -0.563 (p < 0.01) for the relationship between the foot progression angle and the internal rotational pattern. The measure of the foot progression angle in the inked latex carpet was significantly greater than in the pressure platform in the left foot (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Subjects with advanced hallux limitus had a lesser capacity of internal rotation of the lower extremity and greater foot progression angle in comparison with normal population. Internal rotational pattern determines the greater foot progression angle. The foot progression angle values measured with the pressure platform differ from those of the inked latex carpet. 

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Priscila Távara-Vidalón, Guillermo Lafuente-Sotillos, María José Manfredi-Márquez. Advanced hallux limitus and its relationship with the internal rotational pattern and the foot progression angle. Rev Esp Podol 2017;28(1):13-20

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